BJU then and now...Dr Nasseli


The BJU seminary invited Dr. Andy Nasseli to speak for the Dr. Stewart Custer lecture series on November 12, 2019. He spoke about the Christian conscience. Here is how the BJU Seminary announcement reads:

   "For this year’s lectures, we are delighted to welcome Andy Naselli. He is an associate professor of systematic theology and New Testament for Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis and one of the pastors of Bethlehem Baptist Church. He serves God in a school and church that exist to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ. His role in that mission is to research, write, teach, and shepherd."

As you may know, both Bethlehem ministries (church and seminary) are Dr. John Piper ministries. Watch as Christian rap is performed at Dr. Naselli's church.
Warning: watch at your own risk.

Watch Dr. Nasseli use Harry Potter to illustrate Biblical theology.

Does BJU need good men to teach us in regard to our consciences? Yes! How can we conscience an alliance with Dr. Andy Nasseli and Dr. John Piper?

Machen White
Ephesians 5:11


Teddy Dover said…
I too spent years at BJ always feeling so inferior, and it was not just a feeling, it was the case completely. There was an arrogance among many there. I remember hearing those iron clad, "near perfect, at least in their own eyes, condemn folks like the Gathers. I might also ad that my heart has been softened much more through the Gathers than any opera type, arrogant traditional noise that used to dominate at B.J.U. Please, find the selections I have placed under the Dr. Graham section below... Maybe, B.J.U. has been awakened to the fact that all have sinned? It sounds as if they are more humble now. That is only a good thing! It is in my book the a have to have in any pastor. One thing that I no longer see there was the arrogant phrase, World's Most Unusual University, it should have read, World's Most Arrogant University. I am glad that it's President is more in the real world. If any kid does not feel loved, it will never reach it's full potential. Again B.J.U. the seeming change is so very refreshing. May God bless B.J.U. and keep it humble!
Teddy Dover said…

Please, copy and past this into the You Tube search
In my case, my life would have been much more in line with Jesus, should I had been under a human being vs. a judgmental machine...
Teddy Dover said…

I know that one cannot live by their feelings, but, this is most inspiring to me! If your church sings music, as to only fill in before the legalistic, or history based message, then it's purpose is defeated all together. Listen and be blessed, it's okay! It's a good thing to use those resources that God has given us... What if morning had never happened?
machen.white said…
Mr Dover,

Thank you so much for your comments! I do share your concerns regarding arrogance. As a fundamentalist I am painfully aware of my sinful pride. I often need to go to the Lord for his help and forgiveness in this area. As a student I know there were others even in the administration who would admit the same thing. Having said that, I want to assure you that this is not a fundamentalist problem but rather a human problem. The policies of the past BJU administration were their best attempt at scriptural obedience and I honor them for it
Teddy Dover said…
Mr. White,
Yes! That is certainly the case, a human problem that everyone in fact, Christian, or non-Christian would fair well to use as minimally as possible. I am in no way an enemy of B.J.U. I simply thought it would be such a great experience to share some perhaps, not so desired thoughts and ideas that are most effective concerning softening of all of our hearts...

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