BJU then and now...Tim Geiger
For the 2019 CoRE conference titled Gender, Sexuality and The Church, Tim Geiger of Harvest USA was invited to speak to the BJU seminary. Mr. Geiger ministers within the PCA (Presbyterian Church of America) and The Gospel Coalition. Both the PCA and TGC are, in my judgment, left-leaning evangelical institutions. It is no secret that Geiger is not a dyed-in-the-wool fundamentalist. Dr. Pettit acknowledged as much in his response to FBFI's raised eyebrows concerning Geiger's invitation to BJU. You can see the article here (Foundations Baptist Fellowship International). Pettit states, " We fully understand that [Geiger] operate[s] outside of the fundamentalist, separatist orb". Dr. Pettit explains that the leadership at BJU has developed a "theological grid" tha t guides the leadership regarding associations. Geiger Who is Tim Geiger? Tim Geiger is considered an expert in the field of sexual issues facing the church. Mr. Geiger is the h...